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That C-Word.

We are approaching the end of another month. Summer is getting ready to make her exit.

I remember #coming into this month with so much exuberance and excitement. I mean, I was turning forty. I rolled out an elaborate business sale, filled with #collaborations and #challenges for the group. This was the month for new #clients and #connections. Forty was the number and it was going to be a #celebration.

As quickly as August rolled in; with equal efficiency, a national lock down was imposed. I thought "Not again, Jesus!". I was transported back to March, which was the last time I felt tripped up by the #Covid19 pandemic. I quickly gathered myself together and stood on the principle which has #carried by business since its inception:

#Consistency. That "C" word.

I love the alternate definition of the word. Defined by Oxford as "the way in which a substance holds together, thickness or viscosity."

For me, it was not the time to be downtrodden. It was a time to learn from the past and hold the group firm during this second surge or #cases. It was the time to be socially distant. Together. That meant bringing a #consistent virtual training plan for every run fitness level in the group. During the month of August, I was engaged in six different miles #challenges in Nike Run #Club - three of the six were #challenges I personally rolled out to keep the group focused during this latest lock down restrictions - including a 100 mile #challenge. It was the time to dig in and will my group's success to fruition.

And they failed to disappoint. That thing that I felt I had to will them to achieve, they already had it. I #cannot begin to count the times I was just lacing up or getting dressed and I would look at my phone and see half the group were already on the road. They pushed me in those moments I did not want to get out of bed. They pushed me on the road when I felt that I #could not push another mile. They kept me on my toes. They kept me running. That thing I believed they needed to pull from me was on display for everyone to observe. To admire. To be inspired by.

#Consistency. That "C" word.

Earlier this week, I read a quote from Sean McCabe: "People do not respond to social media posts. They respond to #consistency. Show up every single day. #Consistently." We did that. And we #celebrated our successes with days to spare. We have one more week in August. And I look down at my phone. We #continue to run. It is what we do. It is who we are.

We are #consistent. That "C" word.

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