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Running. A Business

I have to say that it feels a bit strange not starting off my posts with the recap of my marathon training plan week. (FYI - I still haven't ended my marathon training plan on Nike Run Club as yet #hopeless #Ihaveissues). With the Bahamas back under a national lockdown due to a surge in Covid 19 cases, my focus has been solely on keeping the group focused, active and motivated as we navigate through this pandemic.

That being said, I felt that now is a great time to share my thoughts on the business side of Run Naturally. One of the biggest lessons I have learned over the last six months is the importance of being able to quickly adapt and have an alternate plan for my business. I remember the day our Prime Minister announced that we would be required to shelter in place. No road running. No group activities. This came at a time when the group was peaking near the end of March. I felt like I had personally been kicked in the stomach. I saw the dreams of my brand new business sink like quicksand.

Well we are in the second week of August and my business didn't sink. I have so many takeaways from then to now. The first is to bring your personal brand and your best to the table. Because the clients who stay with you during this pandemic do so because they believe in what you are putting out there. Developing my business during this pandemic also gave me a sense of urgency in completing tasks that I had originally pushed back to end of the calendar year - like beginning my marathon run coach certification. I work a 9-5 and once the pandemic really came over the country, it because glaringly obvious just how fragile that employment is. So I no longer had the luxury to wait to study to show myself approved. The time was now.

Developing my business during this pandemic toughened me up as an entrepreneur. The vision I have for Run Naturally was growing and changing and I needed to clearly communicate that to my current and potential clients. It propelled me to communicate what was acceptable for my business and what was not. And if your clients respect your hustle, they should respect your boundaries. Run Naturally is rooted in something I love in the sport of running. What it is not is a hobby. It is a business. It is my business.

Growing my business during this time allowed me to be open to other opportunities which flow from managing the group. From interviews to merchandising, I definitely have stepped out of my comfort zone more. I always knew that I can handle the "Run" in Run Naturally - the business side is something I learn about daily. I am open to learning every single day and trying different techniques.

Finally, and most importantly, I have learned the importance of a solid support system. People who support your business. People who give it to you straight. People who tell you what is working and what needs tending to. People who are knowledgeable in business. People who want to see you win.

Here's to our winning season. Here's to running a business. #raiseyourglass

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