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Business and Passion

Today is the end of Week Seven of my #ChicagoMarathon training plan and somehow this week has been all about everything except my training plan. Don't get me wrong, my workouts went well and I was able to complete all of my runs as scheduled within the recommended pace. It's another week where as far as everyone is concerned, we will be in Chicago on October 11th.

This week also brought in some changes in my personal and professional life. I returned to the office on Monday for the first time since the end of March and looking back the work week seemed like a blur. For Run Naturally, the week was exceptional as the group welcomed four new participants. It was exciting to be back into the groove of the group workout routines and personal run training. It was hills repeats and rainy days and the group didn't skip a beat.

This weekend my focused shifted to the business side of Run Naturally. Earlier today I had the opportunity to be interviewed by #WillemGous. He is an international speaker, trainer and consultant on Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Kahuna Mobility Solutions in South Africa. I accepted the invitation to be interviewed about my journey thus far as an entrepreneur. The conversation was very easy going and it gave me the chance to look Run Naturally not from a runner's perspective, but as the woman who developed this run group into a business. I had the opportunity to reflect on the things I want from my business.

What do I love about it?

What don't I love about it?

What is the vision that I have for my business?

What opportunities do I expect to emerge from my business?

We often hear the saying that when you do what you love you will never work a day in your life. As passionate as I am about running, I also am familiar with the saying that passion doesn't pay the bills.

The passion that I have for running is the engine that gets me up every morning at 4:15 a.m. to get warmed up and ready to hop in my car at 5:00 a.m, sharp to lead a group workout. The ultimate success of my business is dependent upon everything else - working on my certifications, time spent on planning the workouts, time spent talking with my clients, representing and marketing my brand professionally.

Passion will lead you there.

Consistency will keep you there.

Keep that fire and do the work.

That is passion....and business.

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